I have come to the conclusion that I have a highly addictive personality. It isn’t drugs or alcohol that I’m addicted to, though, or even chocolate! It’s Farm Town. And I bet at least some of you know what I’m talking about.
It’s an application on Facebook and it started out innocently enough… someone sent me the gift of a chicken. I like chickens so I accepted it, rather than ignore it, and was automatically set up with my own farm. Still, all was well. But then I figured out that I could plant crops and harvest them for money and then plant more. Before I knew it I had a whole bunch of grapes planted. But then there was the heartbreak of going back to my farm the next day and discovering that all of my grapes had rotted.
So I learned and became better, stronger, richer.
Oh, I made the mistake of wasting my initial profits on material things, like fences, and pathways, only to realize that the ground underneath them was far more valuable to my farm’s future. I sold those things and tilled up the land to plant more crops.
One of my “neighbors” told me about how to hire myself out to earn money harvesting other farmers’ crops. While my crops grew, I prostituted myself at the Marketplace begging other farmers to hire me.
Then I noticed that I was planning my day around my crops and when they would need to be harvested. I actually woke up at 4:50 AM one morning because I had grapes that needed to be harvested. Going to my sister’s in Indy for the weekend? I had to harvest my crops and plant longer growing crops for the weekend, in case I wasn’t able to get back to my farm.
I come home from work at night and before even checking to see if I have any mail, I’m turning on the computer to warm up so I can get to the farm that much quicker. Last night, I didn’t have dinner until after 8:30 pm because I was more concerned with the status of my farm!
Finally, I got to a high enough level that I can buy more property to make my farm larger. So now all of extra profits get saved for buying more land!
Like all other things, this too shall pass, but until then, if you need me, odds are you can find me either on my farm or in the market place. I’m saving for a farmhouse. (I suppose that up until now, my little avatar has been sleeping with the chickens.)