Thursday, June 4, 2009

Je-fuh-fuh Dun-HAM

These good-looking gentlemen are, from the left to the right: Peanut, Jeff Dunham, and Jose the Jalapeno on a Stick. Haley and I went to go see Jeff Dunham and his crew of stuffed friends Sunday night at Roberts Stadium in Evansville.

The show started at 5pm and we got there about 4:30. We had seats on the floor, row 16, so they were pretty good. But before going to find our seats, we each indulged in a strawberry daquiri - a large one. The glasses had to be at least 18 inches tall, but they were skinny, so they only held about 2 cups of frozen goodness. And they had the world's longest straws in them!

Normally, at this point, I would attach a picture of said frozen goodness along with the abnormally big straw, but unfortunately Haley forgot her camera (and I didn't bother to remind her because the woman takes her camera EVERYWHERE!) and my good camera is not just an expensive paperweight, and the cheap-o camera that I got to replace it seems to be incapable of taking actual photos! (or at least decent ones) Sigh.

Where was I? Oh, so at 5, the "guitar guy" comes on stage as the opening act. The first I'd seen or heard of the "guitar guy" was on the Jeff Dunham Christmas Special. He is really good - good on the guitar and funny in his own right. He played for, I dunno, maybe a 30-45 minutes. Then we had a "15-minute" intermission. I put " "'s around that because it felt like much longer than 15 minutes.

But finally Jeff Dunham came out. Haley tried gallantly to take even just one decent picture for my blog, but again, my cheep-o camera lived up to its reputation and took only CRAP! We had Walter, Achmed the dead terrorist, Peanut and Jose.

Speaking of Jose, Achmed is my favorite, but Jose is my second... he's green and spicy, and I enjoy chicken on a stick, so what's not to like!? Again, speaking of Jose, though, I took a "Which Jeff Dunham character are you most like?" quiz on Facebook and the result was Jose because I'm "quiet, mellow, and laid back. You keep your cool in stressful situations and don't get too riled up over things. Sometimes people make fun of you because you talk with a funny accent or have unusual attributes (like being on a stick), but you always manage to get the last laugh.."

After the point at which the show normally end, he came back out to say that he'd gotten so many emails from people asking him to bring out his Bubba J character, that he'd have a little more, but Bubba J hadn't been in his act for a while, so he (Dunham) was going to have to use his notes! Turned out the audience knew all the punch lines and said them before Bubba J could... which I think really amazed him.

Anyway, the show was very good! My cheeks hurt so much by the end of it just from laughing so much.

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