Saturday, May 30, 2009

Amy Howard is Trying to Kill Me

The aforementioned Amy, a friend from church - a good Christian girl, mind you... emailed me to ask me if I would be interested in joining her for the local YMCA's Jump Start Training sessions for a mini-marathon that they will be sponsoring later this year. Basically, the sessions are Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm and Saturday morning at 7am.

Well, first off, I didn't get said email until Wednesday this week, so I missed the Tuesday session - not that I'd have gone anyway, as I weigh in on Tuesdays. Then on Thursday, well, it was sprinkling when I left work and so I managed to convince myself that they wouldn't have it. :)
Friday night, after I got off work, I went by the Y to sign the waiver and get my info. Unfortunately, I was informed that they don't cancel due to weather unless there's lightning. sigh

This morning, my alarm went off at 6am, since I knew that I'd need more than a couple of minutes to become human before setting off. My cats laid there on the end of the bed looking at me through heavy eyelids as if to ask me if I were crazy. (The answer of course would have been "yes.")

I got to the Y about 10 minutes 'til 7 and there was probably 75 people there - I'm guessing that Evansville is having an episode of mass hysteria, but it wasn't mentioned on the news. Hmm. Amy arrived and told me that she planned on being in the run/walk group, as opposed to the running group and the walking group. For obvious reasons, I was in the walking group.

I started out walking near the front of the group, and I kept up with them for about 4-5 blocks, but then slowly people started passing me. By the time I finished the walk for the day, 1.25 miles, I think I was at the very end, or darned close.

I went home to get some stuff before going out to Wadesville to visit the 'Rents, and I swear I could barely get out of the car. And as I was driving, every time I came near a red light or some other reason to slow down, I almost cried because it involved moving my foot from the gas to the brake!

Now, at 7:30 pm, after a nap and a good meal at mom's, my legs and footies are no longer threatening mutiny, but I think I heard some ominous rumblings from them when I only contemplated taking a walk tomorrow afternoon.

Anyway, after my experience this am, I'm wondering what it was exactly I did to make Amy decide to kill me by suggesting this whole thing. I mean, I'm a sweetheart! I'm funny, intelligent, and easy to get along with. WHY??

1 comment:

  1. Oops. You've figured out my game. And I was so subtle too. Posing as it being in your best interest and all. Sorry. --Amy
