Much like the Star Wars saga, where the sections are divided off into sets of three movies, it would appear that Mom and my travels may have the same scheme. Ignoring the fact that the second set of three "good" movies actually came out before the first set of three "crappy" movies came out,... the last three posts Alabama trilogy. We have to wait, not 30 years, but still... for the rest of the story, i.e., thus begins the South Carolina trilogy. This analogy begs the question of who am I in these movies, as only the stupid droids, Anakin/Darth (spoiler!), Yoda, and Obi Wan are in both sets... I'm going to say I'm Obi Wan and just hope that I don't get killed (only to become stronger) in the first episode. Here goes.

Gnarley had a lot of fun going to Alabama and that was in spite of the fact that he had to stay in the car most of the time. First there was the rain - he didn't want to get his socks muddy; and second, he seemed to think that the security in the courthouses might catch him... mumbling something about a warrant and unpaid parking tickets. He did get to enjoy the fun of a road trip with me and Mom and eating out a lot.
He even enjoyed the toy from my kid's meal at, you guessed it, Sonic! I did NOT volunteer to share my tots, however. (grumble..)
I know, you're saying, "To heck with Alabama, that's history! I thought this was about South Carolina!" Well, it is, but you know I like to fill in a little background. Plus there was not quite, but almost two weeks of actual life that had to take place before we repacked our bags, got another cat-sitter to agree to come feed the livestock, and head off again.
Gnarley didn't seem to think that any of that was important and as soon as he got home, he repacked clean socks in his suitcase and stood sentinel at the elevator door.

Neither Mom nor I had the heart to tell him how long he would have to wait.
I'm thinking this entry is quickly becoming the Clone Wars of my Stars Wars analogy... the time between trilogies.
So on that note, Samantha is programmed. I have downloaded the Sonic app for my phone, so when Mom has a craving, we can see where the nearest one is without depending on the Sonic being listed on the Food signs on the interstate.

Friday Morning - circa 7:30 a.m. We set off in Baby Blue and head south. Samantha said I that barring potty/gas/food breaks, it would take 8 1/2 hours to get to Holly and Tom's house in North Augusta, SC. Of course she had us going via Atlanta, and Rose would rather not venture into that quagmire; so we headed east from Nashville towards Knoxville. It took Samantha almost 100 miles to succumb to the inevitable and realizing we were NOT going back to Nashville!

Thirteen hours later, after roaming through some beautiful scenery, we finally arrived at Holly's house. Dog weary... Upon arrival, Gnarley immediately picked up his friendship with Gnoah.

Gnoah, being a bookish type, shared a bedtime story with Gnarley.
Soon it was bedtime. After the long trip and time zone change, Gnarley was soon fast asleep. We had big plans for the next day!
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