Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weight Watchers - 2009

There are several reasons why I fell "off the wagon," so to speak, last time. I'd lost 50 pounds, I was getting cocky and complacent, I stopped tracking my points like I know is necessary, my co-hort in weight loss, Kathy, got pregnant and couldn't attend meetings with me anymore, I got a part-time job wherein I worked 2 nights a week and weekends which made it difficult to go to regular meetings, and it was the holiday season. All together it made it easy to let things slide.

But I currently have very little in my closets and dressers that actually fits me. And really, it'll be cheaper to lose the weight than to buy a whole new wardrobe! My friend Royale is in the process of getting ready for either lap-band or gastric bypass surgery. And I think my health insurance would pay most of the expense for me to have the surgery. But I'm just not ready to admit defeat yet. And as I think I've already pointed out, being with my dad in the hospital pushed me over.

So tonight was my first weigh-in/meeting. Of course, I've done this before, so I know how the points and everything work. But you know, the actual weighing in makes it OFFICIAL! I was happy to learn that I actually weigh 1.8 pounds less than I guessed I weighed when I signed up online! So that was good news! The meetings are at 5:30 on Tuesday nights (there are tons of other meetings, but Becky tells me that the leader of this meeting is really good), so I arranged with Bosses 1 & 2 to come in/leave work early on Tuesdays to go to this meeting. Despite drinking a bunch of water and tea today, I didn't go wee before I left... after all, you wanna weigh as much as you can on your initial weigh-in, right? :)

The whole system seems to be the same, based on points, as it was before. However, now they allow most all liquids to count for the water drinking, instead of just water, AND they changed the way they calculate how many points you get each day, but otherwise, it's the same. I signed up online yesterday and filled in the points for the food I ate yesterday on the online tracker. Pretty cool, actually. More high-tech than it was last time I did this. Or, well, I don't honestly know how high-tech the website was before because it wasn't free with my monthly membership then like it is now.

Where was I? Oh, I logged in my points yesterday. And I did pretty good. But then I had a horrible migraine last night and, to put it politely, ended up losing my dinner along with the medicine I took. So I wondered if I got to eat those points twice? Of course I was in so much pain as I took my medicine again that eating was the last thing on my mind. I refrained from asking the woman at the meeting tonight about that, as I figured she'd think I was weird and I decided I'd let her find out naturally, rather than all at once!

Tomorrow is my first "official" day, and wouldn't you know it, it's the firm's "Administrative Professionals Day Luncheon" :) But that's ok, since it's the same menu every year, I can plan ahead and know what I'll be eating. The desserts will be what is tempting - after all, I'm not my Uncle Doug's "cookie-mooching bear" for nothing!

Guess nows the time to close. I've rambled long enough, and I need to go skirmish some and try to take over Mozambique in World Domination on Facebook!

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