2) I would like to be able to surf the net anywhere and at any time be able to update my Facebook status to say something perspicacious such as: “I am currently contemplating the life of the kumquat.”
3) There are cool apps that I just KNOW would make my life more simpler. Like my friend Kathy was showing me her phone and she has a flashlight app. I just know that sometime between now and when AT&T will begrudgingly allow me to upgrade my phone, I’m going to be caught in the dark somewhere, and I’m gonna wish I had a flashlight with me. And if I had an iPhone, I’d be prepared!
4) Another cool app that I’ve been told about has the word “Dragon”
in the title… I don’t recall exactly what it’s called, but I could speak into it and it would automatically type what I say. I think this would be great because the world at large has no idea of what it misses out on because I’m nowhere near a computer when I have a blog-related epiphany and of course, since my 40th birthday, my memory has more holes than a sieve so most of my brilliance never makes it to paper, so to speak.

5) If I had an iPhone, I'd be able to better organize my life. In one place I'd have my phone address book, my calendar where I could put entries about my non-existant social life, my music, my video of the piano stripper (tee hee), and my current audio book! It would be like my iPhone was my assistant, and you know, it would almost be as good an assistant as I am to Steve! (Even better -if that's possible- as it wouldn't have the mind like the aforementioned sieve.)
6) I'd never be without a camera. So the next time some twit runs into my car while I'm in Noble Roman's having a nice lunch with a friend and trying to decompress from the morning at the office before I have to go back to the office for the afternoon!!! Where was I? Oh, yeah, I'd have a semi-decent camera handy to take pics of the damage.
7) Or, video! When I'm ambling down the street, hanging out in my own world (because they understand me there), and I witness a evil deed perpetrated by the foul Prince Romero and/or his enormously bosumed wife on some wealthy victim, I'd be able to whip out the phone and take video, provide it to the police, have the detective fall for me (remember, I have a thing for men with guns and badges), get the reward from the wealthy victim for helping catch the aforementioned Prince Romero and his wife, and become famous! All because I had an iPhone handy.
8) My level of coolness would skyrocket. Now don't get me wrong. I'm already way cooler than most people I know. But geesh!, imagine the heights my coolnessocity would reach if I had an iPhone! I'd be ice, ice, baby!!
9) My 42nd birthday is coming down the pike. Since 42 is my favorite number, you just know that my 42nd year will be faboo! And the gift I receive for this birthday (even if it is a gift from myself) has to be equally faboo!
10) There's an app that translates your cat's meows into English! I truly NEED this! Living with three cats, as I do, there is constant communication going on between them, and I just KNOW that they're plotting against me. Either that or they're complaining about my treatment of them. But then they all live the life of Reilly (I don't know who Reilly was, but he must've been a cat), so they really don't have much to complain about, so it must be that they're plotting to overthrow my regime.
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