The above Get Fuzzy was on yesterday's page in my Get Fuzzy 2010 Page-a-Day Calendar and when I read it, I was inspired. I'll pause here to give you time to re-read it. (dum da da dum da dum dum vegetable garden…dum da da dum dum da dum dum corn!)
It's the line "Read It and Sleep, Baby!" As I read that I thought, what a great name for a blog! The right amount of whimsy with just a smidge of a threat. I love it!
So I took an informal poll of my irregular readers. Should the blog be renamed from "Rose's Ramblings" to "Read It and Sleep!"?
The responses poured ... er.. dribbled in!! For example…
- Steve R. in Newburgh, Indiana felt that Rose's Ramblings was a more appropriate name and that it "somehow captures going from a Sweet Tea addiction to Movie Reviews, from cat medicine & trolls to the 'poop' parking spot at work. "
- Heather P. in Chihuahua, Mexico suggested keeping the title as "Rose's Ramblings", but making "Read It and Sleep!" the blog's subtitle.
After reading these and other less perspicacious responses, I tallied the votes and decided that I liked Heather's suggestion, so the results are in! But first, let me point out, Steve, they are GNOMES, not TROLLS. Trolls are ugly mean creatures that hang out under bridges with goats and make you pay or answer trivia questions in order to pass. Whereas, gnomes are gentle loving creatures who like to hang out in nature and read or sleep.
Anywho, once I figure out exactly HOW to do it, the blog will officially be rechristened "Rose's Ramblings – Read It and Sleep!" Enjoy!
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