Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dear Tom - Irish Edition

(Previous readers of this blog know that in the past know that my brother-in-law knows all... or makes it up... so as our party leaves Ireland, we have the Dear Tom - Irish Edition).

Dear Tom:

1) What was that music playing in that church in the gift shop across from the mummified rat and cat?

2) What is the meaning of those road signs with honeycombs on them?

3) Why is Molly Malone's statue showing so much cleavage?

4) Why did England and Ireland decide to drive on the wrong side of the road when the rest of the entire world drives on the right side of the road (in both senses of the word)?

5) Why do they not serve iced tea anywhere in the British Isles and/or Ireland?

6) Why does it seem that the only veggies served in Ireland are potatoes and cabbage?

7) What's up with the mushy peas served with fish and chips (which are curiously tasty)?

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