Having recently watched Jurassic World, I have decided that I need some of that cool product placement money. Never let it be said that I can't be bought!
Here is my Dream Team - product placement wise.
1. Wendy's. I normally go to Wendy's at least once a week with my friend Kathy and her three adorable younger daughters. (The older one can be adorable, but she has a job now so she isn't available for lunch, but more importantly, she isn't available to babysit the other three so Kathy and I can dine together alone!) Where was I? Oh, Wendy's. I generally get the small size of their BBQ Ranch Chicken salad. However, I have been known to get the small chili with onions and shredded cheese on top. If anyone out there has any pull with Wendy's, I promise to casually mention going to Wendy's from now on in my blog.
2. Lemon Oreo's. I happen to think that Lemon Oreo's are the world's best non-chocolate cookie and I highly recommend them. They started out as a limited edition flavor and I think I must have eaten enough of them (Evansville is sometimes a test market, you know) that now they're no longer limited! Yeah! In future blogs, you may get to hear about how my therapist and I are working on my addiction to them. OR I could mention munching on some while contemplating the meaning of life (doubtful, as that would be a particularly deep subject for me to tackle, but.. you never know!) My point is Nabisco, call me!

3. Crystal Light's Mojito flavored drink. Now my hopes in hawking this product would be that they might resume production as it appears they no longer make it. I have personally cleared out the shelves of all the local grocery stores of any remaining containers and if I want anymore, I have to pay outrageous prices on the black market (i.e., ebay and Amazon). If Crystal Light reads my blog and resumes production of this wonderful drink, I promise not to drink anything else for the rest of my life! If this campaign is not successful, I may be able to live with the Hawaiian Punch Lemon Lime flavored drink, but would rather stick with the tried and true.
4. Amazon. Not that Amazon needs little old me. But, I figure that I already mention it enough in my blog that I ought to get paid for it. Or at least get my Prime membership free! As everyone should realize by now, I frequently extoll the virtues of shopping at Amazon. I was even able to buy kitty litter to be donated the Vanderburgh Humane Society for their recent Kitten Shower, and it was delivered FREE, so all I had to do was press the Submit Order button, AND the purchase was tax deductible! OO-RAH! I am able to buy things from all over the world through Amazon, and sometimes for free shipping! (Mom thinks that our mailman must be really impressed by the variety of packages I receive.)
5. BBC America. As I may have previously mentioned (or maybe not. I tend to whine about it frequently, so I forget who I tell,) my cable company stopped carrying BBC America because it raised its prices so high and they, my cable company, would have to raise everyone's rates if they kept it. Consequently, I no longer have access to my beloved Dr. Who, Orphan Black, the Three Musketeers, Broadchurch, and other fabulous programming! I even would have been interested in seeing the "new" Top Gear show post-the recent kerfluffle over its hosts. Thank God that I can get my new Sherlock from PBS or I'd really be upset!
Here is my Dream Team - product placement wise.

3. Crystal Light's Mojito flavored drink. Now my hopes in hawking this product would be that they might resume production as it appears they no longer make it. I have personally cleared out the shelves of all the local grocery stores of any remaining containers and if I want anymore, I have to pay outrageous prices on the black market (i.e., ebay and Amazon). If Crystal Light reads my blog and resumes production of this wonderful drink, I promise not to drink anything else for the rest of my life! If this campaign is not successful, I may be able to live with the Hawaiian Punch Lemon Lime flavored drink, but would rather stick with the tried and true.

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