So I've already suffered through missing the new (now past) seasons of The Musketeers and Orphan Black and will have to figure out when/if they'll be available for viewing on either Netflix or Amazon Prime. BBC America even had the audacity to come up with a couple of new series for the fall season that looked very enjoyable. But I could NOT miss the Doctor!
So starting earlier in the summer, I was investigating ways (both legal and possibly not so legal) that I could get my Who on. My first thought was to find someone who has BBC America and talk them into letting me borrow their login info, so I could watch it online. That didn't work because the only people who I know who have BBC America don't have or know how to find login info. Now, of the two people in question, Holly might have been able to record the episodes for me (later I found out she no longer has a DVD recorder, so no)... or I could go visit my Aunt and watch the episodes at her house. 'Nuff said. Next option.
I have some co-workers and a friend (who shall remain nameless for legal reasons) who get their TV watching through possibly less-than-legal means via the internet. I was given the names of several websites through which I would probably be able to get my Who on. Unfortunately, I'm sort of a wuss and don't like to ride on the ruff edge of life (internetly-speaking) so I would go the the main website and generally search for "Doctor Who," but then I'd be too cowardly to click on anything else because my laptop leans toward being slow already! I don't want it to get infected.
So now, each Sunday morning, after the new episode airs on Saturday evening, I receive a lovely email from iTunes advising me that there's a new episode available for me to download. And, if the cats wake me up early enough, which has NOT been a problem, I even have time to sit down and watch it while drinking my coffee before church! I have even found me a couple of pairs of Doctor Who socks to wear while watching. The socks in this picture are extra long and look like the scarf of the Fourth Doctor.
Now that the major dilemma of my summer has been resolved, I'm ready to move on to something else. Like what will I do next season!?
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