Yup, that's me in the center. I'm the baby, by the way.
Bargers eat very well at reunions. Generally we have BBQ from the infamous Eddyville Fourth celebration as well as tons of fresh out of the garden veggies and melons. This year, unfortunately, I think we had more food that people! The picture below is only 1 of the card tables covered with food.

This year, some of the younger people organized a softball game. Personally, I'm thinking they were crazy, it was hotter than... well, it was hot, and that was in the shade! I came up with my own brand of fun in the shade.

I know Mom was not keen initially on going to the reunion this year, since this was the first year without Dad. But I'm pretty sure that she was glad she went. She got to talk to the people she wanted to talk to, and she got an opportunity to hang with her hot, hip, happenin' girls....

We even talked her into sporting a Hello Kitty tattoo. She wouldn't let us paint her nails, though.
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