Thursday, July 1, 2010

Review - The A-Team

(Disclaimer: If you haven’t seen this movie, there may be information in this review that might be considered a “spoiler” - although I consciously try not to put major spoiler info in my reviews. Proceed with caution.)

I recently went to see The A-Team remake with Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, and a couple other guys I didn’t know reprising the roles of Hannibal, Face, B.A., and “Howling Mad” Murdock. I had hopes for this movie, because the preview looked good. However, I’d been misled by TV show remakes before (e.g., Dukes of Hazzard, Starsky and Hutch, and Charlie’s Angels), so those hopes weren’t very high.

However, I’m happy to say that my modest expectations were met! I enjoyed the movie a lot. At the start of the movie, they weren’t a team yet, so we got to see how they met and joined forces. I found this to be mildly confusing, but figured it out quickly. And instead of being Vietnam-era soldiers, the “Team” members were Gulf War-era soldiers. Otherwise, the movie had everything that the original guilty pleasure TV show had, tons of explosions; BA’s fear of flying and the team’s subsequent drugging of him to get him from place to place via air; lots of gun fights with, it would seem, no one ever being hit; and Hannibal’s tagline “I love it when a plan comes together.”

The movie details how the Team is dishonorably discharged for a crime they didn’t commit and follows them as they take action to clear their names. Of course, to leave room for potential sequels, and to be true to the nature of the original show, the Team must remain fugitives from justice who, “If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire … the A-Team.”

Surprisingly, there was even a twist in the plot that I did not see coming – an occurrence that would have been unheard of in any A-Team episode. So if you were a fan of the show, want a decent plot, and enjoy seeing BA kicking tookie and taking down names, then this movie is for you! I pity the fool who doesn’t enjoy this movie!

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