Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Years Resolutions?

So it’s 2009. Not being one for resolutions, because I’m weak-willed and weak-minded, I don’t officially make any resolutions. However, I am making a concerted effort to resume going to Curves and to not go out of my way to eat horribly unhealthy. So what does that mean exactly?

Well, Monday, I woke up at the God-awful hour of 5am to go to Curves. Technically, Curves opens at 6am and I only live 5 minutes away, but there are some things I have to take into consideration. #1 – since I’m working out with the electronic training system, I have to eat before I work out. So I have to hork down a bowl of cereal before going. Then, #2 – I made the mistake a couple of weeks ago of waking up at 5:45 and going straight to Curves, but I didn’t give my blood pressure medicine enough time to kick in, so my heart was racing and I was feeling woozy. Now, by waking up at 5, I can take the meds, and they have about an hour to kick in. #3 – my hair looks HORRIBLE when I wake up. It is downright scary. But it’s 20 degrees out when I go work out, and it’s just stupid to wash my hair so I can go work out, so I can go back and wash my hair for work, right!? My currently system is that after washing my face, I brush my hair and then put the damp washcloth on my head, to tame the insanity, while roaming around the apartment, feeding the livestock, and eating the aforementioned bowl of cereal. Finally, #4, it takes about 5-7 minutes for the sound of the alarm to penetrate through my sleep.

Anyway, the point is that on Monday, I actually dragged my butt in to Curves! Lola, the manager, almost fell over in shock. I don’t think she’s ever seen me there this early… although I HAVE been there in the mornings before. Then, on Wednesday, I actually dragged my butt in to Curves! I know you’re thinking, “what about Tuesday??”, but we’re supposed to actually do every other day so as to give our muscles time to mend. J Now, I credit the fact that I have an incredibly loud alarm and lots of prayer that this has worked so far. In fact, the prayers for tomorrow morning (Friday) started yesterday afternoon.

Now on the other side of the scale (hahahaha), I’m trying to not go out of my way and eating horribly unhealthy. What does that mean? Well, for example.. when Carrie (Boss #2) offered me a bag of double chocolate covered pecans (a Christmas gift from an area mediator we use a lot), I graciously said no thank you. But, guilt-free, I went to Angelo’s for lunch with some friends and had a nice big ol’ piece of stuffed pizza. I have not munched on any snackies today since my oatmeal for breakfast, but I’m going to have fried chicken for lunch, with water to drink instead of my much beloved sweet tea. I think you see my plan, here. So far, it seems to be working for me, and although it probably wouldn’t kill me to have a veggie now and then, I’m not going out of my way. Maybe next time I hit a grocery store, I’ll buy some apples, or a head of lettuce. Hmm..

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