Friday, January 23, 2009

TGIF Wrap Up

Well, I'm happy to say that by Wednesday, I'd recovered from my sleep study and was no longer a walking Zombie. Which is good because Lost was on Wednesday night and that show actually takes concentration. I was sitting on the couch with Gizmo in my lap and Sophie laying at my feet on a pillow and occasionally licking my shin (don't ask). But we thoroughly enjoyed having our cast of castaways back, and I, for one, was very happy that no one wanted to give Sawyer a shirt to wear for the first hour!

Dad's 2nd chemo appointment was Monday and he seems to be doing ok. With each treatment, he also gets an IV cocktail to help with the side effects and that seems to last a couple of days. Last week it didn't wear off until Thursday, but this week it wore off on Wednesday. But when I talked to him on Thursday, he seemed his normal perky self. But he is having leg weakness - he talked to the oncologist about that, and if it's still going on by next Monday, they may tweak his blend of chemo.

I got a call from the sleep center and the doctor in charge and I have an appointment for next week for us to go over my results. I'm both eager for and dreading the results. But I prayed for some answers, so hopefully, good or bad, that's what we'll get. But Bob already told me that if I need to use a CPAP, then it'll involve another night, just like last Sunday night, electrodes and goop and all, only this time, we'd add the CPAP, so as to get it calibrated for my particular weirdness.

Today, Friday, Winifred - the kitten that joined mom & dad's household around Halloween - is getting fixed. If she plays her cards right, it looks like she's going to get to stay inside and be a housecat. I hope so. I really think the 'Rents would enjoy having a cat or two inside. Dad would really like to have Merle inside. Merle being a very friendly and loving thing, but they're leery because he's been an outside cat (although he is fixed) all his life. But I think he could easily adapt to being an indoor/outdoor cat. The main concern being if he can adapt to using a litter box and his claws. But I've bought some Soft Claws to put on Wini when she gets home and I'd think that if they work for her, they'd work for Merle too. Small steps. :)

The Oscar nominees were announced yesterday and as has been practice for the past couple of years, I was looking forward to seeing which movies were nominated for Best Picture because I'd end up going to see some of them and reviewing them for this blog and my firm's inhouse newsletter. I was might disappointed to find out that the Dark Knight was not nominated. Because I'm pretty sure that in each of my Oscar reviews todate, I've pointed out that I'm more of a Batman girl than the type that gets the movies that are generally nominated for Best Picture and I was really looking forward to having to watch Dark Knight again and reviewing it. But that's ok. I've scoped out the listings and plan on hitting the Button movie (despite my NOT being a Brad Pitt fan, but the movie is only $5 at Kerasotes and I'm cheap!), Frost/Nixon, and Slumdog Millionaire all this weekend in order to get my review in the Feb 1 issue of our newsletter. I think I'd really like The Reader - it having to do with Nazi's and all, but neither of the theaters in Evansville have it on this week and I have a deadline.

Oh, and one other thing, thanks to a "friend" at work, I'm now addicted to World Domination on Facebook. It's a good thing we can't get on Facebook at work because I'd be on every 20 minutes or so to see what other countries I could conquer! I'm weak. Ok, so that's it for my week and you now know my plans for the upcoming week. Rose, out!

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