I'm sitting at our dining room table with my leg propped up on pillows and an ice pack on my knee. A couple of weeks ago, while doing nothing more strenuous or exciting than GETTING UP FROM MY CHAIR at work, I seem to have hurt my knee. There was a "Pop!" and a piercing pain up through my leg. After self treating with ice packs, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxers, it occurred to me that come July, I intend to be trekking around the United Kingdom for two weeks so I had better get it fixed or else I could again end up enjoying the hospitality of a Scottish hospital! (See previous blog entries, circa June 2012).

Anyway, after telling him my woes we agreed that growing old is a bitch and he scheduled me for an MRI of my knee... feeling that it was most likely a soft-tissue problem.
The problem, for me at least, was that it wasn't scanning constantly, so I'd begin to doze off and then WHAM! it would make a noise and jolt me back to life and ... let's just say my heart was given a good work out. Afterwards, they sent me on my merry way with a CD of my MRI. You KNOW I put it in my disc drive the minute I got back to the office so I could see it. I didn't know what I was seeing, although what I did see looked fine in my humble medical opinion (FYI, I diagnosed my own gallbladder issues back in 2000). The fun part is that it's a moving image, as the slices through the layers of whatever it's scanning. So lesson three is that it's uber cool, especially as it moved through the eyeballs. (See pic).
I'm reminded of about 25 years ago I had an EEG - electro-encephlagraph - and I remember still having cement on my scalp for about a week afterwards, and I remember Dad professing to be relieved to know that why the results didn't explain the source of my (then) headaches, they did confirm that I had a brain. He was such funny guy.
Anyway, back to today's MRI - I can tell you now, from experience, that the MRI of the knee takes longer than that of a brain, and if your knee hurts to begin with, it is very painful to lie there with your leg extended in the same position for over an hour. Don't have the results yet, but again, they sent me off with a CD - I looked at it again and although there are more views of the knee (8 vs. 4), they aren't as cool as the brain because of the lack of eyeball stems and all but you can see like leg muscles and all.
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