I love my iPhone and my iPad and while I generally use only a handful of apps on a regular basis, I'm always up for trying out a new app. So imagine my enjoyment when I see.. I think it was in the "Hot List" in an issue of Entertainment Weekly a couple of weeks ago, but I could be wrong about that, but it was something similar... an app entitled "Places I've Pooped"!

So since I downloaded (hahahaha!) the app, I haven't been too many places. I am looking forward to it in the future, though.
Fast forward to a couple of days ago. I'm at lunch with my fiend Jennifer and I'm telling her about my new app. She's had an iPhone for years, but only really uses it as a phone (imagine!) We don't normally discuss "dispensing some soft serve" at lunch, but this day it was appropriate because I had needed to, umm..."catch up on some reading," when she called to say she was leaving to pick me up. She asked if I wanted to make a deposit at the restaurant, and while I would have loved having another pin on my map, I felt it could wait until my return to the office. I complained, though, that it would not result in another pin as you can only pin a certain place once.
The insane idea hit me that maybe I could get a second pin, this one for just outside of the building! I did not, however. Ever since that summer that I cleaned the bathrooms and "pit toilets" at the State Park, I try to avoid port-o's. But the idea struck me as so funny that I had to take a photo of it.
Now, unbeknownst to me, one of the attorneys is looking out her window and seeing me take a picture of the big blue box and when I return to my desk, after "giving birth to a politician," I find that she has emailed me questioning me as to why I was taking the photo. This was when I was inspired to resume my blogging. I just knew that I had more to share with my fans.
Oh, and for your entertainment.. Euphemisms For Pooping
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