Monday, April 28, 2008

OMG! It's a Festivus Miracle!

First, to sketch in a little background, as it were... I moved into my apartment Sept of 2005. At that time, the woman who lives in the other first floor apartment was driving a white Plymouth Acclaim (or the Dodge equivalent) and around Christmas time, said white vehicle had a flat tire in our parking lot. After that, it NEVER moved. After about a year, I pointed this out to the landlord, stressing that it made the place look.. uh.. white trash. After two years, I'd given up. Frankly, I didn't even see it anymore, unless the parking lot was really full, affecting my ability to get into my parking spot.

Well, so tonight, I come home and uh.. something's wrong.. uh.. am I at the wrong place? No... the white car.. it's GONE!!! I felt like it was my birthday (July 22nd, BTW:) and Christmas all rolled together!! It's a Festivus Miracle! I've been airing my grievances about the stupid car for years and it was surely a feat of strength to get through the past 2 1/2 years of having the hunk of junk there. Whoo hoo!

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