Monday, March 24, 2008

Clean Living

It’s Monday again. Last week went by so quickly.. and yet, the actual days seemed to drag by. Odd that.

I am proud to say, though, that I started taking walks after work last week. I walked three of the five nights. (One night it rained, there was even flooding, and I can’t swim, so I didn’t walk that night, and on Friday, the ‘Rent’s came to town we went out to dinner for prime rib… you’d have skipped walking too.) Still, 3 out of 5 weeknights is really all I see myself doing anyway, so I’m proud… and sore. My footies, ankles, knees, and hips were all feeling every step I took by the third night. So this is the beginning of a new week, we’ll have to see what my success rate is this week. On the bright side, I don’t think there’s any rain in the forecast!

Saturday, I worked on cleaning my apartment. Mom and Dad’s 50th anniversary party is this coming weekend, and some or all of my nieces will be spending Saturday night at my apartment, so I thought I’d at least attempt to clean up the place. I started with the cats’ bathroom. Yes, the cats have their own bathroom. The litter box is in the bathtub, in an attempt to keep them from tracking litter all over the place. The only problem is that if I have guests, it’s the bathroom they’d use instead of trekking all the way to the back of the house to my bathroom. So I tackled that room first and the bathroom sparkled and smelled of Simple Green, speaking of which, I’d think the cats, with their sensitive noses, wouldn’t like that, but...

Then on to the living room. I’d spent over an hour the previous weekend totally cleaning out and reorganizing the fish tank, so everyone in that venue was happy. Well, and Sophie was too, since she watches the fish tank like it’s a 24/7 reality show. I brushed the area rug in the living room. I brush it because Sophie is long haired and her hair just doesn’t vacuum up. I brushed up enough hair to make a good sized kitten! The good thing about Sophie is that I don’t have to dust with her around, when she shwooshes her tail, it has a feather-duster effect. I keep trying to convince them both that it would be helpful if they’d find gainful employment so as to take some of the burden of keeping them in the style to which they’ve become accustomed off of my shoulders, so dusting is the least she can do.

Meanwhile, my dim bulb, Gizmo, I swear, he was a dog in another life. His favorite thing to do is play fetch with me. He brings me a plastic ring from a gallon of milk and expects me to fling it – he catches it and bats it back at me or he chases it and drops it in my lap. Then he looks at me as though I’M the dim bulb, until I get the hint and pick it up and we do it again. I’m pretty sure there must be an official medical term for his condition, but I love him in spite of it.

So between cleaning my apartment and playing fetch with my dog.. er.. Gizmo, Saturday went by pretty quickly. Sunday, after church, I went to mom and dad’s for Easter dinner. Then dad took a nap while mom and I straightened and dusted their living room. (They need a long haired cat to dust for them!) The preparations for the party are pretty much done, and the house cleaning is pretty much done, so all we have to do is make it through this week and it’ll be party-time!

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