Friday, March 28, 2008

Week-end Wrap Up

Ok, so this has been a busy week, too. Let's hit the highlights.

First, it occurs to me that I never mentioned what happened at my dad's oncologist appointment a couple of weeks ago. Although, since I haven't been whining about it, the astute reader would correctly guess that it went very well. Without going into gorey details, the doctor said that dad's cancer seems to be very slow growing and he should be around to bother us for a long time, and will probably die of something else before the cancer gets him. We all found that very reassuring and I, personally, have done my ostrich impression and put the whole ugly cancer thing behind me. And dad? Well, he's back to being he usual odd self (see pic).

This week I did have another minor medical emergency though. My walking hairball, Sophie, came down with a real hairball. She does this about every 8-10 months, so it's not as scary as it was in the beginning. But she doesn't eat, gets ever so slighty bitchy at her brother when he wants to play, and hurls up frequently. So I recognize the signs. But we're in the middle of trial prep at work, and I couldn't take off to take her to the vet, so my wonderful parents came and picked up their grandcat and took her for me. Their other grandcat, 40-Watt, was slightly bewildered by what was going on, but he was happy to have her back. He's got a stomach of cast iron, so he doesn't have to make semi-frequent trips to the vet for tummy issues. All in all, though, I think he's jealous. After I capture Soph and trap her in the carrier to force down the medicine and then let her escape, he actually hops up into the carrier and looks at me with a "My Turn!?" expression on his face.

I finally finished one of the two pillows I promised to knit for my mother this week. It looks lovely, and has the requisite amount of cat hairs in it to make it from me and the kids. I'd knitted some pillows for my fiend Jennifer as a wedding present last year and I knitted one for the family reunion auction we have every Fourth of July. Mom said she was going to bid on my pillow, and I told her if she didn't win it, I'd knit her one of her own. So she took that as license not to bid on my pillow because I'd already told her I'd knit her one and she could pick the color of the yarn this way! Humpf! Lucky for her, the pillow had other bidders or I'd have been upset. :) Anyway, I have the first (I'm knitting a pair) done and will give it to her at their anniversary party Sunday. I told dad that I thought I'd be able to get one done, but probably not the second, and he gave the expected reaction of "oh, you don't have to get us anything.." Which was beside the point, I've been knitting the pillow, this way it gets to qualify as a anniversary pillow, too! :) Although what mom and dad don't know is that Ho, Ha, and I have gone together and gotten them a digital picture frame and Haley has spent the good part of the past 3 months scanning entire photo albums so as to put tons of pics on the frame so we can just plug it in and have mom and dad enjoy! (I can put this in the blog here, because to my knowledge, mom and dad have yet to discover my ramblings online, and if they discover it after Sunday it won't matter!)

Finally, I just registered to walk in the Walk for Juvenile Diabetes at Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana in May. Anyone who would like to support me can go to and search for me - I'm on Team Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn in Indiana.

And no, speaking of walking.. I haven't walked after work this week. It's been either raining or too cold, or I had to get a haircut after work. I'll resume next week. I promise. Oh, and I found my headphones for my mp3 player this week! So now I have no reason NOT to!... other than I'm just lazy.

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